How to play

Fly through the hoops!

A+D to control roll

W+S to control throttle

Look, don't worry about pitch. Pitch takes care of itself.

Pre-flight checks may have been skipped, and I'm not sure that the joystick was zeroed properly....


This LD was mainly for getting the hang of Godot, so the project is a little basic...but oh my is this game editor lovely. Referencing objects is simple, the signal/observer pattern is clear, 3D tools are close enough to Blender to be doable, it's just _nice_. This was also my first solo run with Blender, another program that's come on in leaps since I last looked at it.

The game itself has a cunning pun in the mechanics (stuck in a loop, see), and I was going for the idea of taking a simple task (fly though the rings) and making it tricky because the agent in the game isn't quite doing what you want. Unfortunately, I couldn't come up with a good way to solve the depth-perception problem, adding an extra layer of frustration on top of the already existing layer of frustration that's supposed to be there. Please give thoughts in the comments!


Game implemented in Godot:

Models in Blender 2.9:

Daily Life font by Etig Letters:

Thanks to Emma for care and feeding over this LD

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